Monday, December 21, 2009

How to hide your facial piercing at a formal place?

You can temporarily replace your jewelry with a clear plastic spacer. You can buy them at just about any store that sells body jewelry. The only purpose they serve is to keep the hole open. They aren't really visible at all.How to hide your facial piercing at a formal place?
depends, some you can try a good concealer. some you can put a clear plastic peircing in (nose) or if you have your septum peirced you could just wear a stud or turn a ring upHow to hide your facial piercing at a formal place?
If possible, take the piercing out. If not, then get a clear stud or a stud that does not stand out (not metal)
would it hurt to take it off for a bit?
it depends where it is. u could try taking it off
take it off
listen it carefully you should either ignore them or if you cannot ignore them then just take it off.
Take it off..If it's too painful to do that, just keep it on.......does'nt bother many people

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