Friday, December 25, 2009

Why are our facial features in the same places if we came about randomly?

and our arms and legs being where they are? You've seen what ';mutants'; look like in movies. Why don't we look like that?

wouldn't it be beneficial to have eyes in the back of our heads, or to be able to turn our heads all the way around?Why are our facial features in the same places if we came about randomly?
Scientists would tell you that the location of our features are similar to those of predatory animals.

If this is true why does everyone want us to eat only veggies?Why are our facial features in the same places if we came about randomly?
You make a good point, however, our features did not come about 'randomly', despite what you read on creationist websites.

We humans are predators, and predators have evolved good forward vision that also helps with depth perception. We need to see what is in front of us because we are chasing after it! Other animals need to watch out for predators, so they have eyes on the sides of their heads. They don't have good stereo vision but they can see what is on either side of them, almost a 360 degree field of view.

Birds are a good example of this. Owls are predators and their eyes are in front of their head while most other birds have their eyes on the sides. Owls can also turn their heads almost all the way around.

We humans (and robots) don't have such well-adapted physical traits because we use our brains to invent tools that compensate.

Genes dictate where your limbs are, they are metaphorical volumes of information that your cells use to map out your body

Mutants ';from movies'; wouldnt survive and reproduce in the wild, we see detrimental mutants all the time in biology, but said negative mutation causes them to die and thus never reproduce - thats called natural selection


It would be beneficial for insects to have camera eyes too, but they missed out on the ';opportunity'; to evolve it like mammals did.

you misunderstand evolution
Just for the record - predatory animals have their eyes in the front of their heads, while animals who are preyed upon, have eyes at the sides of their heads. ((((Steadfast))))

Some of the animals (Owls) can turn their heads full-circle.

Might I add that we, (Humans) are created in the image of God. :D
Lay it to them , Birdy. How I love to see them squirm and squiggle when they sputter and snort, trying to avoid seeing the foolishness of their belief. How they do stretch their brains trying to excuse the error and cover up the gaping holes in their banging around theory.

Now I say you came up with a brilliant question this time. why we end up with two legs when other animals, cept birds. have four? Not making sense since we came from them. They cheated us of the other needed two. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, denying the only true God.
This is what we call perfection , our face is on front so that we can see where we are going and what we are facing in life, some are standing taller than others to give them a better view. The back of the head is just that we have passed that way therefore there is no need to look back what ever happened is to be forgotten.

If we are gifted with eyes we are gifted with sight ,sight gives us pleasure in seeing the beauty and the ugliness that surround us , if we were all blind perhaps the world would be felt and not seeing for what it really is ,there would be no wars ,no racism ,we would all think with our brain and not from what we see.
Eyes in the back of our heads would be beneficial.

Not pretty, but beneficial.
Where do you get that ';we came about randomly';? That is not what biology teaches.
We are the same species!
Wow, you think the mutants from movies are real?
if my eyes were designed by a perfect deity why am I nearsighted?
I'll answer your questions in the order they appear.

1. We did not come about randomly. Your question presupposes something that is simply not true. The entire point of the evolutionary process is that it is mostly non-random. That's why natural selection works.

2. Our arms and legs are where they are because they do their jobs. I don't see why they would be anywhere else, and you haven't made any argument that would indicate this is the case. I think you do not understand evolution. A mutation in evolution isn't like a mutation in X-men. Edit: to clarify, in X-men, mutants are given special powers. In the real world, genetic mutations are overwhelmingly likely to be destructive. My bio 101 teacher described it as ';taking a hammer to a rolex.'; Now, every once in a while there is a beneficial mutation, but these are far and few between. Because mutations are so rare, a lot of possible mutations that could be beneficial never come to be.

3. It would, but we have not yet developed a mutation that would allow us to have these attributes. If such a mutation were to occur, it would probably be beneficial. Evolution doesn't make us perfect beings, it just says that organisms better suited for survival are the ones that survive in the long run.

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