Friday, December 25, 2009

What places hire people with facial piercings?

I need to get a job to finish paying off my cheerleading season. However, I have my lip pierced. I'm extremely attached to it, seeing as I have wanted the piercing for 6 years and finally got it about a month ago. Where are some places that will hire people with facial piercings? I can take it out, but I have to put in a clear retainer to keep it from closing. I would prefer to waitress, but other ideas are welcome.

Also, if you are going to b**** about me having piercings, don't bother. It's just annoying and immature.What places hire people with facial piercings?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the lip piercing is going to be tough to get potential employers to ignore. You will be talking to them with your mouth, so they can't help but notice it. I would suggest, at the very least, that you put in the clear retainer so it's not quite as noticeable.

I see a lot of people with piercings working at fast food restaurants, and at stores like Hot Topic. I suppose many places that sell body jewelry would be okay with it.What places hire people with facial piercings? topic but seeing as you are a cheerleader, leads me to believe you're not a punk chick so i dot think they'd hire you.[im just generalizing]

another thing you could do is, when its time for an interview in a place where you think they wont hire people with piercings, just take it out for the interview and put it back in when you start working.

or you can work in a tatoo/piercing parlor
Most places will hire people with facial piercings, you just have to make sure you have the clear retainer in when you interview, and if you are hired, they will tell you ahead of time if it is required to take it out.
I have had the same problem with my Monroe. I took a part time job at a grocery store and when I went to the interview I asked the manager about it and he said it was fine and I accepted the job...WELL when I got there for my first shift he went nuts and said it had to be taken out and started stomping his feet at me. I took it out and worked my shift. Before I left there was another worker talking to me saying how she couldn't wait to go home and smoke some pot she got...I thought to myself how fu***** stupid to hire someone who does drugs and then stamp your feet at me like a pack of wild animals because I have a facial piercing. Now it has grown up and I can't get the stud back in...I told my husband about it and he I marched my butt back in there the next day and told the manager I quit...after that he called my house 21 lie...he also called me from his house and his cell phone....CRAZY people in this world.
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