Monday, December 21, 2009

Is there any cure for facial herpes? And how do you get them in the first place?

Is there any permanent cure to get rid of herpes sores on your mouth and lips? I've had them ever since I was little. Whenever I get stressed or lose sleep, I also get big fat, painful herpes sores on my lips usually. For those of you that have them, they are EXTREMELY IRRITATING and it feels like I can't stop putting my tongue on them. I take some vitamins and amino acids that help prevent canker sores and stuff, but they always seem to come up right before a school dance or something and I get these big ugly scabs.... I also use this cream called Denavir which helps them go away sooner, but usually they last for two weeks even with the cream. Is there any possible cure to get rid of them forever? And how did I get them in the first place? Did one of my parents get herpes from a partner and give them to me :( ?Is there any cure for facial herpes? And how do you get them in the first place?
By the time we enter high school, 60% of us have oral herpes. It is not normally caught from a partner or through sexual activity, since most of us (hopefully) have not been sexually active by that age. It is normally caught from an adult that has it kissing you - often a parent or another relative. And that does not mean your parent caught it sexually on their mouth - they probably caught it as a baby or child from their parent, like you. However some people just show more symptoms, and some have none. 80% of adults have oral herpes, and 95% of people over 50 - is it extremely common. But four out of five people infected with it don't have symptoms. You are one of the unlucky ones.

My boyfriend caught oral herpes when he was five from an affectionate aunt. His first outbreak was so horrible he's never forgotten. You can also catch it from other children in the playground.

If you are really struggling with oral herpes, and have tried the diet and amino acids thing, I'd say try taking valtrex. It is normally prescribed for genital herpes, but since oral herpes is identical just in a different location, it can be prescribed for that too. You don't need to take it every day - I have genital herpes and I take a couple of tablets over 24 hours when I feel an outbreak coming on, and it pretty much always makes it go away again, even of you are already starting to get redness or swelling. Valtrex costs quite a bit, but if you are only taking 2 or 3 pills each time you feel an outbreak, then it is just as economical as cream.

Recent studies of antiviral therapy for herpes showed that taking the pills for 2 days when you feel symptoms coming is enough. I don't get many outbreaks now, but I don't want any. Valtrex makes a big difference to me.

Valtrex is what famous people are always caught with prescriptions for. Though they may have genital herpes, they usually take it because they have oral herpes and no famous person wants to be photographed with an enormous cold sore on their mouth - far too embarrassing!

On a side note, a change of diet also really worked for me. I have genital hsv-1 (the oral herpes virus), which is supposed to produce much fewer outbreaks than hsv-2. But I got about 6-8 a year. Then I gave up chocolate and sugar, and the only time since that I have even felt an outbreak coming on was when I had a moment of weakness and ate four chocolate bars in a row. Chocolate is a known trigger, as are things like nuts, and sugar can depress your immune system by about half in the 12 hours after eating it.

Also remember their is a risk you can give a girl genital hsv-1 like me if you ever go down on her. The risk is highest when you have a sore, but you should avoid kissing and mouth to genital contact from the first warning you feel to about a week after all symptoms have gone. Even then, there is still a slight risk when you have no symptoms. I have genital herpes because of the boyfriend who has cold sores. He gave me oral sex, but he didn't have a sore at the time at all, or any kind of symptom. It is a bit gross to think it made it's way from his aunt's mouth to my genitals...

There is no cure, only treatment. Unfortunately some people seem to get it much worse than others, and you seem to be one of them.Is there any cure for facial herpes? And how do you get them in the first place?
There is NO cure for Herpes. You can give it to a partner by kissing when you have an outbreak. You can talk to you dr about Valtrex it does help in the number of outbreaks. Outbreaks are usually caused by stress. It's an interesting question how you got them since you've had them for a while. You need to try and remember the first time you ever had an outbreak that will help you determine who gave it to you.

best of luck
It is possible to be born with the virus.....stress can cause an outbreak, so I guess you will have to learn to not stress so much....also fish oil supplements (enteric coated or burpless kind) can be of benefit, also eliminating sodas and sugar sweetened drinks, probiotics can help keep good bacteria in your body.
i dont know..... but i hope you find your answer. i dont mean this answer in any harm. i really find this story interesting.
There is no cure for this! One of your parents have this and was pass on to who ever then to you!

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